Craigslist App for iPad is an excellent Shopping Application. Craigslist App iPad is an app that takes everything you love on Craigslist and puts it all together in one easy to use, elegant and reliable Craigslist mobile app. Craigslist App iOS allows you to search for cars & trucks, Housing and apartments, Garage sales, yard sales, or anything else for rent or sale. The app allows you to select multiple cities or neighbourhoods. The app even allows you to filter the craigslist search results. It also provides you with the advanced search filter for filtering even more. The app interface enables you to sort by Newest, Low-High price, Relevant and High-Low Price. The app interface allows you to save the craigslist searches including advanced filters. You can also Map view with clustering. The app interface allows you to create an alert when a listing matches your criteria. The app supports more than five alerts at a time. The app provides the results with full-screen pictures, which is useful for you to view the product in detail. You can also save the app’s listings to your favourites. The app interface allows you to share the listings with friends via email or text. You can also flag the listings of your favourite in the best category, and you can even prohibit the listings that you don’t like.
Craigslist App for iOS provides you with interactive listing status icons, in which you can identify the active, inactive and deleted icons easily. The app has been loaded with more advanced tools, which is easy to use. You can even use the images from the camera or photo library. You can easily edit the craigslist listings with text, photos or contact info.
Specifications of Craigslist App for iPad
Application Name: Craigslist App
Developer: Super Happy Fun Time LLC
Version: 2.0.4
Categories: Shopping
Languages: English
File size: 33.8 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 and later.
Features of Craigslist App
The salient features of Craigslist App iPad are listed below
Easy Navigation: Craigslist App iOS has an excellent interface for easy navigation. You can go back to the search results or navigation menu with a simple swipe.
Keyword Search: The app interface allows you to make a keyword search from the search results easily.
Night Mode: The app interface is designed to use in both day and night. This is a useful feature when you use your iPad at night. You can switch to the night mode by triple tapping the headers.
Save Listings: You can also save the app’s listings to your favourites. The app interface allows you to share the listings with friends via email or text. You can also flag the listings of your favourite in the best category and you can even prohibit the listings that you don’t like.
Custom Sorting: The app interface allows you to sort the results by Newest, Low-High price, Relevant and High-Low Price.
Interactive Listing: Craigslist App for iPad provides you with the interactive listing status icons, in which you can identify the active, inactive and deleted icons easily, So you can know the status of the listing easily without even getting into it,
Image Options: The images provided by the craigslist listing is high in quality and on full screen. You can even use the images from the camera or photo library. You can easily edit the craigslist listings with text, photos or contact info.
Contact Sellers: The app interface allows you to contact craigslist sellers directly via phone, email or through text. So you can reach out to the sellers easily and clarify your doubts regarding the products.
Related applications for Craigslist App for iPad
This post is about Craigslist App for iOS Download, the related applications of the Craigslist App are listed below
eBay for iPad is an online auction and shopping website in which people buy and sell a broad variety of goods.
Alibaba app for iPad is one of the leading wholesale mobile marketplaces for the global trade.
Amazon for iPad has separate retail websites for each country, and it also offers international shipping
QVC App for iPad QVC app has been created for experience all the features on your iPad.
Paytm for iPad is an Indian electronic payment and e-commerce company that was launched on 2010 August.
Download Craigslist App for iPad
Craigslist App for iPad is compatible with the iOS versions of 8.0 and later.
Click here to Download Craigslist for iPad
Screenshots of Craigslist App
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